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How to design food packaging?

author: click:2063 time:2021-07-16

1. Display brand:

For large companies and well-known companies, when creating packaging design concepts, their performance should firmly grasp the brand's first design awareness. The existing attention of the brand will bring a lot of benefits to the company, and the logo and brand of the company are the entry point for the packaging design of this type of product when it is conceived.

2. Performance products:

For the packaging of products with special functions or new products, the packaging design creativity and performance should be placed on the product itself, showing the special features of the product, such as new appearance and function, special use method, etc. .

3. Performance of consumer groups:

Products are ultimately intended for consumers to use, especially those products that are highly targeted to users, and their packaging should be consumer-oriented. In this way, packaging can be designed according to the needs of consumers in a targeted manner, and the product can occupy its market segment through packaging design.


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