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Choose transparent plastic box packaging

author: click:2003 time:2021-07-16

Transparent plastic boxes include PVC plastic boxes, PET plastic boxes and PP plastic boxes, etc., which are plastic packaging products. Most of the materials are transparent (can also be made into non-transparent plastic boxes upon request). Its advantages are high durability and high transparency so that consumers can directly see the product without opening the package, which helps increase product sales.

When choosing a transparent plastic box, you must pay attention to the following quality requirements:

1. PVC plastic boxes and PET plastic boxes must be highly transparent.

2. PVC plastic boxes, PET plastic boxes and PP plastic boxes must be abrasion-resistant and weather-resistant, and the surface must be flawless and crystal clear.

3. The crimping depth of the plastic box is average and moderate (too shallow, it is not easy to be folded; too deep, it is easy to break); especially the cooperative RF soft line technology and Japanese patented line technology.

4. The transparent plastic box adopts UV color printing, with strong color reproduction, registering, and the color is delicate and vivid, without ink drop, and no dirty spots.

5. If special techniques such as bronzing/silver are added, the surface must not have holes, and the alignment must be aligned.


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