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The characteristics of food plastic trays

author: click:2061 time:2021-07-16

In our daily life, we often see plastic food pallets. Compared with iron pallets, plastic pallets have more applications. Let me introduce the characteristics of food plastic pallets.

1. Wide range of uses: it can be used to hold fruits, cakes, etc.

2. Waterproof: The food plastic tray has better waterproofness, chemical stability, and will not rust.

3. Easy to clean: The surface of the plastic is relatively smooth. If the surface gets oily, it is easier to clean.

4. Lightweight: Plastic trays are relatively light due to material problems, so you can take many plastic trays at one time without difficulty.

5. Wear resistance: It has good transparency and abrasion resistance. Generally, it is not easy to wear out, and the use time is relatively long.

There are many advantages of food plastic pallets, but no matter how good the quality of food plastic pallets, they need our daily maintenance. What needs to be noted here is that food plastic pallets should avoid direct sunlight.


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